Wednesday 26 November 2014

Digital FootPrint

Some People May not realize it by going on the internet you are leaving a trail.
Just by looking on your History you can see what your Digital footprint is like.
When it comes to passwords there is normally a option to save you password for if you log onto the same computer next time. Only if it a private computer do I suggest doing this. If you are using a public computer which anyone can onto DONT. As then people will be able to see your private information, and possibly change your password so you can never use that account again.
SO when you finish with a online service always log off before shutting down your computer, especially when it is a public computer, as it can cause the same problem.
Although Digital footprint can be helpful; In the case of Remembering your favorite websites with history buttons and bookmarks.
Just Like your Digital  Footprint this Print wont go away until it is deleted.

Check out This Website for more information

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