Thursday 20 November 2014


Staying Safe on the internet doesn't have to be hard.
If you follow these simple rules then you should stay safe.

 When online with people you don't know keep your person information to yourself. Such information includes Second Name, Location, Phone Number, bank details or anything that you would give to a complete stranger on the street. The main rule is: If you would say it to a stranger in the street don't tell people.

If someone wont stop asking you questions about this, block them or come off the website.

Your first name is normally ok as there are normally thousands of people online that have the same name. Although you could also use a fake name online / username such as 'HappyQueen' although don't use that one as it's mine :P

Don't download files from people that you don't know or trust, as they could contain virus's that will break your computer if you don't have the right protection.

For More Information check out these:

Kid Smart            BBC Bitesize             Think You Know

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